Last summer, I signed up to join a huge mod undertaking called Fallout: Miami; an attempt to create a phenomenally massive expansion to Bethesda's Fallout 4 that takes place on the tropical beaches of sunny Miami. Since then, I've had the pleasure of working alongside 11 and counting other talented artists to create unique assets to help bring the Vacation Wasteland to life.
The mode is still in its early days but there's already been some great concepts put forward and the development team behind the project has been very warm and supportive, especially to someone who is still very much learning about the creative side of the medium.
I wanted to share some of my work as being featured in one of their earlier update videos was a real pleasure and a taster I imagine of the pride and passion the people creating our entertainment must have when they see something they've toiled night and day on plastered across the big or small screen.
I can't say too much without ruining some of the suprises so I'll leave it at that but for any Fallout fans this is one to keep an eye on, especially with the news on Fallout 76 not speaking to what some people wanted from the franchise!
