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"THE FUTURE IS COMING!": The beginning of Hutch

Writer: Matthew 'Mipply' StevensMatthew 'Mipply' Stevens

With the recent smash hit ubisoft game 'Farcry 5' fresh in my mind, I've been wanting to unite two passions of mine for a final major project idea: Drama and CG.

One of my unstated goals as of 2019 was to improve my organic and character prop development workflow, incorporating a better understanding of what exactly makes a convincing real time character work from the underlying anatomy to the melanin in their skin cells. Although characters have never been my strongest suite, we are so inundated with memorable villains and stoic heroes that to rule the field out simply from a want of practice would be ridiculous, especially when I'm very much undecided as to which side of the divide I fall into as an artist, be it character/creature or environment.

However, I've always loved performing; there's nothing quite like standing on a stage, the spotlights glaring off the sweat on your forehead, a crowd in hysteria or hysterics as you wear someone else's face. Those days somewhat vanished when I arrived at uni but whilst working on one of the previous 3rd year projects, I had the chance to slip into the tight Lycra mo-cap suit on site and act out some captures which was an absolute blast.

Which brings us to Hutch, a villain a summer in the making.

The concept arose when I would catch myself murmuring lines to myself (much to the dismay of my cats and family), shaping up a cruel and wicked figure leering over a hostage and spouting off some tripe about what he thought the world should, would, and could be like. The influence of Michael Mando's Vaas and Greg Bryk's Joseph Seed were definitely creeping in but over the course of the year he formed into a unique vessel: a wild young man wronged by the world he'd saved and seeking to carve a new way forward, no matter the cost. "The Future Is coming".

And as such, Hutch was born.



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